Sunday, January 29, 2017

Digital Blog Post C

Technology has consumed our world more and more. While being one of the most distracting things in the world, it can also be one of the most helpful.

While I was reading in chapter 3, I noticed a couple of points. I noticed the importance of active learning. Rather than just reading a couple of pages in class or just listening to the teacher talk, students can be active in the lesson itself. As a teacher, the importance of being involved in a lesson is very important. While I was observing for one of my other classes, I noticed the teacher did a lot of lessons with videos and activities for the students to be involved with so it was a simple learning experience for the students and an easier way for the teacher to teach and get through to the students.

Another point that stuck out to me was Montessori learning. My sister is very involved with this type of learning and she is slowly presenting it to my nephew, who just turned one, and I feel that this is a very successful way for students to learn and pick up on the subject that is being taught. Montessori learning is when teaching is provided in natural ways rather than basic teaching methods. For instance, in chapter 3, Maria Montessori learning for a subject would have "included a cut-out continent map puzzles that have correct sizes of land masses color-keyed to a globe with the same shapes and colors."
My sister has been giving my nephew toys that are somewhat educational, such as colored rings that stack from large to small and also a busy board which my dad made for him that has door knobs, a small door, a little bar to pull himself on, etc. I think these are more beneficial than barbie dolls or toy cars.

The last point that stood out to me was group work. I think group work is extremely beneficial, especially when it comes to college classes and more advanced subjects. While a teacher can explain a key point in a lecture until they are blue in the face, I might not understand it, but if another classmate dumbs it down for me to understand while working in a group, it becomes easier for me to pick up on and understand what the lecture is all about. Sometimes, there is repetition in school work and we re-learn the same concept every year so it becomes easier for us to understand. I remember in my freshmen year of college, I was sitting in a group and explaining to everyone what sin, cos, and tan was because no one could understand it but since I had picked up on it, I could make it more simple for the other students to understand.

The basis for all learning is a teacher but I also believe that there are many other valuable and helpful things that can contribute to a student's learning. Many people outside of class and school can help a student understand the topic more.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

See my Toondoo here!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

EME 2040 blog post-A:

Being a 21st-century upcoming teacher definitely has its perks! From way back when, before technology was even introduced, there are multiple technological advances that we have that are now available in the classrooms! From laptops to classroom iPads, technology can definitley help us teach our students in an easier and more efficient way.

The first important concept I picked up from chapter one is to build a multimedia resume. It states that you want the school system, the students, the parents, etc. to know how tech-savvy you are when it comes to technology. I can remember multiple times in school that some of the teachers needed our help with specific technology issues in their classroom. When the teacher is all set up and ready to go, it helps the students want to learn because they are so quick with the technology.

The second important concept that I picked up from chapter one is creating learning resources and teaching tools for the students to pick up on and interact on their own. In my 2016 spring semester, my Biology professor was very tech-savvy. She always had extra credit quizzes on this website that was fun to work on and we also did in class projects on our phones or computers and the answers would appear on the overhead projector. She also printed our questions for us to do in class which was very creative, it made class very interesting and easy to learn the material.

The third and last important concept that I picked up from chapter one are modeling the technology for students. As teachers, we are mainly role models. Our students look up to each one of us and mentors and helpers so it is always important to be good role models to them. We also want to teach them internet safety, when it comes to specific websites and applications that are now available on the cell phone.

As a teacher, we are who the student spends about eight hours of their day with. We teach them all they need to know, especially elementary teachers, they are the base of their knowledge and they teach them the core parts of education. As 21st century teachers, we need to be tech-savvy and educated with technology so we can engage the students in learning and make it more exciting for them to pick up their computer and learn. There are other blogs that explain the best characteristics of being a 21st-century teacher, which can be found here.

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.