Sunday, April 30, 2017

Final Blog Post

Being in EME this semester has taught me a lot. I thought I knew a lot of technology tricks and ways to enhance my posts with visuals and whatnot but clearly I haven't. This course helped immensely with my creativity and my technology knowledge!

Our textbook for the semester was also very informative. I really enjoyed making the blog posts for each section because there was so much information in each part, making it tough to choose on what I wanted to write about! There were some parts of each section that when you read it, you'd think "wow, that is so obvious." But, when you get in depth to the chapter, you realize how much information there actually is and how much you truly did not know.

I always thought it would be interesting and cool to have a blog. When I found out we would be writing posts as a blog entry, I couldn't wait! Blogs are so fun because you basically write out all of your thoughts and it is exactly what you are thinking. Almost like talking to yourself but you have no idea who is actually going to read it! You can add visuals, videos, pictures, etc. and express yourself through each post! This definitley help with understanding educational technology issues and trends.

 I always thought being a teacher is just so simple and easy. You teach and go home! After taking this course, I realized being a teacher is a 24-hour job. You work on the weekends and the evening even after you just left work. When I was working on the lesson plan,  I was thinking to myself, "wow, this is actually a lot of work!" Once the school year begins, there is a lot of work to be put in. You have to have everything organized, all the lesson plans, textbooks, room decorated, etc.

I have always dreamt of being a teacher! I looked up to so many of my teachers and admired the relationship I had with them and I cannot wait to be that role model for someone, someday! Teachers have a huge impact on students and I truly hope you guys realize that sooner than later.

I really enjoyed this course. The professor put a lot of time into the lessons and assignments and you can tell everything was well thought out. Each assignment also served a purpose. I feel like sometimes, professors will just create assignments just to have some and I often think "what is the point of this and what is it going to help me with?" But, each assignment really did help me and it really did serve a purpose!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


I am almost certain that at some point in every one's life, they are either a victim to bullying or they have been a bully. I will be the first to admit that I have been both. No, I am not proud that I was a bully but it is almost some karma that I turned around and got bullied... I deserved it.

Bullying was never something super serious to me. It was never as serious as it is now. Suicide is at an all time high and this is all thanks to social media, texting, snap chat, etc. Sometimes, the parents are to blame. Some parents know that this is going on and some of them encourage it. I have heard a lot of times that a parent will encourage a physical fight, simply telling the children to stick up for themselves, there are different ways to do that...

I now know the severity of bullying. It also does not just occur in high school or in college but it occurs in middle school as well, it can happen in any age group and any color. Unfortunately, by the time people start to realize the damage that is happening, it is already far too late and the person has either taken their own life or has harmed themselves in a permanent way. Some people are often too scared to speak up about being bullied because they are nervous it could back fire or become even worse than how it already is.
It truly is sad that a couple mean words can turn someone to ending their life or harming themselves and it is also really sad that some people do not come to light about the situation until after they have ended their lives or harmed themselves.

By being a teacher, I would hope to catch the situation way before it got out of hand. You can tell by a person's body language about how they are feeling. You can also tell who the "in crowd" is and who the "popular" kids are so it is a little bit easier to spot someone doing the bullying. It also surfaces almost immediately on social media so it is easy to spot who is doing it and who is receiving the bullying.

I really liked the discussion we had to do on bullying. In the discussion post, we posted whether or not we were a victim of bullying or if we had bullyed someone ourselves and it really made me reflect on how I used to be in middle school and high school. When we watched the three videos and reflected on how we felt. Some people might watch those videos and think, "that is so over dramatic" but unfortunately, it hits the nail right on the head. That is exactly how bullying is and sadly no one holds back what they have to say.

In the video, it escalates very quickly, but it just goes to show how small amounts of words can cause someone to want to end their life. You also never know what someone is going through or their home situation, work, family, etc. That is why we should always be cautious of what we say to someone.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Blog Post L

The technology was one of the greatest advances for mankind but it could quite possibly be one of the greatest advances for schools and classrooms, along with businesses, etc. 

I was reading in chapter 12 about inclusion and infusion of technology. The inclusion of technology is when computers and information technologies are used mainly for transferring information and practicing skills. An example of inclusion would be going to the computer lab for an hour every day, in school, to learn how to type or how to use the applications on the computer provided.

In my middle school, they would bring us to the computer lab every other day so that we could learn how to type. They had multiple activities for us to do so we could build up our speed when it came to typing. They also had keyboard covers to put on the keyboards so that we could not see the letters and we would learn where to keep our fingers. I give credit to that class for the reason why I can type as fast as I do! 

Infusion is when the computers and other information technologies are ongoing features of teaching and learning in all academic subjects at all grade levels. They are equipping every classroom with multiple machines for teachers to use as a regular part of academic instruction or it could mean a single computer designated as an integral part of daily lessons. 

When I was in high school, they had just come out with the smart boards but only every couple of classrooms were equipped with them because they were very expensive and no one quite knew how to work them! Now, it seems like each classroom has one along with so many other machines for teaching.

I also read about one-to-one laptop computing, which means every student in a grade, school, or district has her or his own computing device to use in school. In theory, one-to-one programs reduce digital inequalities by providing every student with a computer.

When I was in school, we were not allowed to have computers (whether we owned one or not) our teachers would not let us bring one to class. When I went back to my old high school to do observation hours, the teachers were assigning classwork through a website that the students could access through their computer and turn in during class. It was actually very cool!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Being a teacher, we are required to make sure the students understand each concept. If they do not, then it, unfortunately, falls upon us and makes us look like we have no idea what we are doing. This chapter is named "Designing Lessons and Developing Curriculum with Technology". Thankfully, we have technology to help us teach lessons and to make it easier for students to understand what is being taught.

While I was reading through the chapter, the learning assessment discussion popped out to me. A learning assessment occurs before, during, and after teaching lessons and it enables the teacher to evaluate the student's knowledge, understanding, and performance. A good learning assessment would be finishing the lesson and summarizing what was just taught and maybe a short quiz or something to test their knowledge on what was just taught.

Another section that was interesting was the standards-based assessment test. This test is a standard test (hence the name) in which the students are expected to know in order to enter each grade level. When I was in school, I went to a private school all 12 years, we had to take the SAT at the end of each year which basically showed what we knew and learned from the end of each year. I don't really think it is fair, though. For instance, I am an awful test taker and I get super nervous so for me to go into a testing room knowing that this test could make or break me passing and moving on to the next grade level, it scares me! I would rather write an essay or something a little less nerve wracking. I also do not think that one test can clarify a student's knowledge.

The last section that was interesting to me was the student performance rubrics. Coming into college, I realized how important rubrics are. In high school, the teachers would go into detail about what exactly we needed to write on, test on, study, etc. In college, the teachers just give you a rubric and expect you to know and expand on what is supposed to be done. I enjoy this way better because it challenges me and forces me to pinpoint what I think is important in the lesson and what I think needs to be studied and expanded on.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Irvello, J. (2017, March 16). Aristotle - A Haiku Deck by Julia Irvello. Retrieved March 17, 2017, from

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Blog Post G


Technology is so vast and diverse. It seriously can help out anyone with anything. It can convert languages and help people with disabilities. When I was reading chapter ten, I got to the section about the online language translation services. There is one large, universal converter which is Google Translate (most popular and probably the most accurate). There are also multilingual web resources which provide material in more than one language. For instance, Wikipedia provides articles in different languages for others to have the chance to read and understand.

Differentiated instruction is also a very good educational approach. In the book, it discusses how science classes use more hands-on classwork than anything. Or listening to a podcast or doing group work. I have to agree, learning with hands-on experience is so much easier than sitting there and reading the text in a book. You can physically see the chemical reaction or whatever you are dissecting, right in front of you eyes, so it is more helpful and easier for us to understand.

Another thing I found interesting was how advanced our computer systems are. Electronic word spellers and dictionaries seriously help so much. (Right now, I use Grammarly. It checks my spelling and punctuation for me.) I use it to ensure that spelling and everything is right. Electronic word spellers are also helpful for the hearing impaired, it helps them see visually or if they are visually impaired, they can listen over the headphones to what is being said and they can learn it by hearing.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Digital Blog Post E

Video games play a huge role in some children's lives and sometimes it is tough for them to engage in social activities and even do their schoolwork. Thankfully, someone wise created educational digital games for them to interact with. "Internet-based games take less time to play compared to desktop games, which require more extended time commitment by players."

The games are active and challenging which not only occupies their time so that they are not "bored", but it also educates them and helps them learn quicker.
I know that when I study on Quizlet, it helps me learn easier than just reading text out of a textbook.

Unfortunately, it irks some parents to hear the word video game because their child is constantly cooped up in their room in front of the television. "According to 2009 and 2010 data, computer and video gaming have grown to a $10.5 billion industry. Two of every three households play video games, and 25% of those game players were 18 years old and younger. (Entertainment Software Rating Board, 2010)".

Intelligent tutor systems (ITS) "are powerful new software programs that promote inquiry learning through computer responses to student actions." This system is equal to having a teacher for everyone to three students. It is extremely accurate and it helps the students stay sharp and receive teaching and progress at a similar pace as they would learning from the teacher.

When I was in elementary and middle school, there were not as many technological advances for education as there is today. When I went to observe for my hours, I noticed every student with a laptop or iPad, doing studies or flash cards or even taking their test through an application and I think that is really cool. It engages the students and it could explain a lesson easier than the teacher might be able to.
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Digital Blog Post C

Technology has consumed our world more and more. While being one of the most distracting things in the world, it can also be one of the most helpful.

While I was reading in chapter 3, I noticed a couple of points. I noticed the importance of active learning. Rather than just reading a couple of pages in class or just listening to the teacher talk, students can be active in the lesson itself. As a teacher, the importance of being involved in a lesson is very important. While I was observing for one of my other classes, I noticed the teacher did a lot of lessons with videos and activities for the students to be involved with so it was a simple learning experience for the students and an easier way for the teacher to teach and get through to the students.

Another point that stuck out to me was Montessori learning. My sister is very involved with this type of learning and she is slowly presenting it to my nephew, who just turned one, and I feel that this is a very successful way for students to learn and pick up on the subject that is being taught. Montessori learning is when teaching is provided in natural ways rather than basic teaching methods. For instance, in chapter 3, Maria Montessori learning for a subject would have "included a cut-out continent map puzzles that have correct sizes of land masses color-keyed to a globe with the same shapes and colors."
My sister has been giving my nephew toys that are somewhat educational, such as colored rings that stack from large to small and also a busy board which my dad made for him that has door knobs, a small door, a little bar to pull himself on, etc. I think these are more beneficial than barbie dolls or toy cars.

The last point that stood out to me was group work. I think group work is extremely beneficial, especially when it comes to college classes and more advanced subjects. While a teacher can explain a key point in a lecture until they are blue in the face, I might not understand it, but if another classmate dumbs it down for me to understand while working in a group, it becomes easier for me to pick up on and understand what the lecture is all about. Sometimes, there is repetition in school work and we re-learn the same concept every year so it becomes easier for us to understand. I remember in my freshmen year of college, I was sitting in a group and explaining to everyone what sin, cos, and tan was because no one could understand it but since I had picked up on it, I could make it more simple for the other students to understand.

The basis for all learning is a teacher but I also believe that there are many other valuable and helpful things that can contribute to a student's learning. Many people outside of class and school can help a student understand the topic more.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

See my Toondoo here!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

EME 2040 blog post-A:

Being a 21st-century upcoming teacher definitely has its perks! From way back when, before technology was even introduced, there are multiple technological advances that we have that are now available in the classrooms! From laptops to classroom iPads, technology can definitley help us teach our students in an easier and more efficient way.

The first important concept I picked up from chapter one is to build a multimedia resume. It states that you want the school system, the students, the parents, etc. to know how tech-savvy you are when it comes to technology. I can remember multiple times in school that some of the teachers needed our help with specific technology issues in their classroom. When the teacher is all set up and ready to go, it helps the students want to learn because they are so quick with the technology.

The second important concept that I picked up from chapter one is creating learning resources and teaching tools for the students to pick up on and interact on their own. In my 2016 spring semester, my Biology professor was very tech-savvy. She always had extra credit quizzes on this website that was fun to work on and we also did in class projects on our phones or computers and the answers would appear on the overhead projector. She also printed our questions for us to do in class which was very creative, it made class very interesting and easy to learn the material.

The third and last important concept that I picked up from chapter one are modeling the technology for students. As teachers, we are mainly role models. Our students look up to each one of us and mentors and helpers so it is always important to be good role models to them. We also want to teach them internet safety, when it comes to specific websites and applications that are now available on the cell phone.

As a teacher, we are who the student spends about eight hours of their day with. We teach them all they need to know, especially elementary teachers, they are the base of their knowledge and they teach them the core parts of education. As 21st century teachers, we need to be tech-savvy and educated with technology so we can engage the students in learning and make it more exciting for them to pick up their computer and learn. There are other blogs that explain the best characteristics of being a 21st-century teacher, which can be found here.

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.